• Conference Programme

    Register here!

    Each conference starts with lunch on Friday at 12:30 and ends on the Saturday with lunch at 14:00. On Friday evening there will be a networking session with snacks, drinks and entertainment. The conference sessions run in parallel and include workshops, panel discussions and plenaries.

    There will be two strands to choose from:

    • Grade R to 4
    • Grade 3 to 7

    The topics in each of the strands are:

    • Patterns and patterning: a journey highlighting the role of reasoning in developing concepts and understanding.
    • Measurement: a journey from informal measurement to developing formula.
    • Extension activities: the role and development of extension activities in the context of differentiated instruction.
    • Assessment: using the NumberSense Comprehensive Workbooks as a resource for developing meaningful assessment tasks.
    • High quality instruction in the context of AI.

    The panel discussions will explore the role of NumberSense Mathematics Programme in particular contexts. The panels will address:

    • Grade R: Using the NumberSense Programme in Grade R.
      • Friday 15:15 to 16:15 (including tea at 16:15)
    • Homeschooling: Using the NumberSense Programme for teaching and learning mathematics in the home school environment.
      • Saturday: 09:00 to 10:00 (including tea from 08:30)
    • Learners with special needs: Does the NumberSense Programme provide a mathematics solution for learners with special needs.
      • Saturday: 11:00 to 12:00 (including tea at 10:30)

    Other activities:

    • Networking session (cocktail party) on Friday evening.


    The NumberSense User Group Conferences will run as follows:


    • 12:30 Registration and lunch
    • 14:00 Opening session
    • 14:45 Conference sessions
      • 15:15 to 16:15 Grade R Panel discussion (including tea at 16:15)
    • 16:15 Tea
    • 16:45 Conference sessions
    • 18:15 Evening snacks, entertainment and networking


    • 08:30 Tea on arrival
    • 09:00 Conference sessions
      • 09:00 to 10:00 Homeschooling Panel discussion (including tea from 08:30)
    • 10:30 Tea
    • 11:00 Conference sessions
      • 11:00 to 12:00 Learners with special needs Panel discussion (including tea at 10:30)
    • 12:45 Closing session
    • 14.00 Lunch

    Please keep an eye on this page for further updates and detail. Mail conference@NumberSense.co.za if you have questions.

    NumberSense Conference Programme 2024