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Feedback from the fourth term workshops:
“By writing this tiny note I want to express gratitude for the helping hand that the NumberSense Mathematics Programme has been for me and my school. There are few training sessions where I take home loads of refreshment, new ideas, practical guidance and critical thinking- the workshops that I had opportunity to attend from NumberSense, are one of those. Your programme really makes a huge difference in the special needs of the learners in my class.”
“Thank you so much for the wonderful course today, I learned a great deal and enjoyed connecting with other teachers.”
“Thanks for another great workshop at the aquarium. We can’t wait to get started on the program.”
Teacher, Selborne Primary
“Our boys have been using the workbooks for 3 years and although they are flying through them, they also challenge the boys who find the CAPS curriculum too easy.We have also recently been told that the Grade 8 mathematics average at Selborne College has improved by nearly 15% and we are in the process of putting all these statistics together along with the Conquesta Olympiad and ANA results; we are confident that we are going to find that we have had a steady increase in overall results.We are very excited about how the boys are challenged by the NumberSense Mathematics Programme because we feel that the new curriculum does not do so. The weaker boys are not as advanced but their attitude towards mathematics has changed in the following ways: They complete a page a day, their mental arithmetic has improved, and they are not nervous when approaching word problems.
We are planning to hold a parent-child maths challenge because we want to show the parents what their children are capable of. This will cover the basic concepts taught in the NumberSense Workbooks and will be in the form of a race with a few family maths ideas thrown in. We are really excited about the progress that has been made thanks to the NumberSense Mathematics Programme.”
Mr Gamiet: Principal, A.W. Barnes Primary School
“For many years, our school has struggled to improve the quality of the teaching of mathematics and raise the level of mathematics proficiency throughout our school. The major challenge for our teachers has been the large numbers of learners in our classes. The NumberSense Mathematics Programme was introduced to our school earlier this year by Brombacher and Associates, through the mediation of Shikaya. It has been the best intervention implemented at our school for a number of years. Small-group teaching was re-introduced and the benefits were immediately visible. All the learners in the class were kept busy; whilst one group of learners were on the mat, the other learners carried on with activities in their NumberSense Workbooks. The teachers were all excited about the introduction of the NumberSense Mathematics Programme and a remarkable improvement in mathematical literacy has been achieved: Learners in Grade 1 have extended their numeracy capabilities and all the learners’ ability to solve problems has improved. The Grade 2 and 3 teachers are excited because at the start of each year they can simply proceed with the activities in the NumberSense Workbooks as the learners now have the ability to work independently. The improvement in mathematics teaching has led to some of our learners receiving awards for mental mathematics, reading and spelling at a recent East London District competition run by the Department of Education. We believe the confidence that the learners have acquired in mathematics assists them in the other learning areas too.”
Liza, Namibia
“I just wanted to offer my sincere thanks to the NumberSense Mathematics Programme developers. My daughter is completing her final NumberSense Workbook in the next few weeks of Term 1, Grade 7. The NumberSense Mathematics Programme has given her a wonderful foundation that will support her future mathematics learning.”
Stina, Kempton Park
“I am using your workbooks in a community maths clinic that I started at my church. Any learner can attend these classes for free on a Wednesday afternoon. The learners vary from Gr 1 to Gr 12. There are approximately 30 – 40 learners who attend, of which 16 of them are from the local Children’s Home. Your workbooks really help me to handle the ability levels of the wide variety of learners.”