15 June 2018

NumberSense Programme Updates

  • NumberSense Programme Updates

    After very exciting and encouraging responses from those who attended and participated in our 2018 NumberSense Mathematics Programme User Group Conference (held in May), we look forward to our workshops for the 3rd and 4th terms.

    Term 3 Workshops in Grahamstown, Cape Town and Johannesburg:

    Managing a Class: Putting it all together in the NumberSense Classroom

    This workshop targets teachers who are newer to, or unfamiliar with the effective implementation of the NumberSense Mathematics Programme and want to derive the full benefit from it.

    In this workshop we will discuss:

    • Planning and implementing the optimal NumberSense mathematics lesson;
    • Catering for the range of development levels among the students in a class;
    • Facilitating independent learning;
    • Time and classroom management; and
    • Developing remediation and extension programmes.


    Term 4 Workshops in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg:

    Diagnostic assessment and remediation programmes in a NumberSense Classroom*

    In this workshop we will discuss:

    • Administering the NumberSense diagnostic assessments (please bring a tablet if you can so that you can interact with the digital version of the assessment);
    • Marking and interpreting diagnostic test results;
    • Developing remediation programmes;
    • Monitoring progress towards targets; and
    • Reporting


    * The NumberSense Diagnostic Assessment material was introduced at the Conference, and many of you are waiting for the access and use information and terms and conditions. We are finalising these to ensure an efficient and reliable user experience, and will endeavour to have these materials ready for download from our website soon.

    New developments:

    Early next term we will send out the detail regarding some new developments:

    1. Our new look and feel website:

    We are very excited to announce that our websites www.NumberSense.co.za; www.Brombacher.co.za and www.GeoGenius.co.za are all receiving a make-over. We hope that the new look and feel will be ready early in the new term, and that it will provide an enhanced user experience.

    We look forward to using the launch of the website to showcase the awesome photographs that we took at the Conference and which capture the spirit of the event so well.

    2. Manipulating Number Teacher Guides:

    Our Mental Mathematics (manipulating number) Teacher Guides for Workbooks 11 and 12 will also be ready for download early next term.

    3. NumberSense Companion Activity Kit and Resources:

    Please see our updated product list for more information and pricing on the Activity Cards, Resources, Activity Kit, and Classroom Kit. These products will be available for purchase from our online shop with the launch of our new website.

    4. Diagnostic Assessment materials for the Primary School:

    As mentioned above, the NumberSense Diagnostic Assessment was introduced at the Conference, and many of you are waiting for the access and use information and terms and conditions. We are finalising these to ensure an efficient and reliable user experience, and will endeavor to have these materials ready for download from our website soon. We encourage you to attend the Term 4 workshop, which will cover these materials in detail.